De impact van het Amerikaanse tariefbeleid op elektrolytische aluininum Prices

On April 17th, President Biden proposed raising tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum to 25%, citing "unfair competition," during his visit to the headquarters of the United Steelworkers Union.

Following suit, Mexico's President Lopez signed a decree on April 22nd imposing temporary import tariffs ranging from 5% to 50% on 544 items including steel, aluminum, textiles, clothing, shoes, wood, plastics, and their products. However, due to aluminum shortages, Mexico later canceled the 35% tariff on aluminum imposed since late April.

Op 14 mei hebben de VS de resultaten vrijgegeven van een vierjarige evaluatie van de 301-tarieven op China, waarbij verdere verhogingen van de tarieven op geïmporteerde elektrische voertuigen, lithiumbatterijen, zonnepanelen, kritieke mineralen, halfgeleiders, evenals staal, aluminium, havenkranen en persoonlijke beschermingsmiddelen werden aangekondigd. Onder hen zullen de aluminiumtarieven stijgen van 0-7,5% naar 25%, terwijl de tarieven op elektrische voertuigen zullen stijgen van 25% naar 100%.

Looking at China's aluminum-related exports in 2023:

Voor primair aluminium:

China exporteerde in 2023 ongeveer 150.000 ton primair aluminium, waarvan minder dan 360 ton naar de Verenigde Staten. Het tariefbeleid heeft dan ook weinig invloed op de export van primair aluminium.

Voor aluminium producten:

China exported a total of about 5.29 million tons of aluminum products in 2023, with around 230,000 tons exported to the United States, accounting for about 4.3%. China's exports of aluminum products totaled around 2.8 million tons in 2023, with exports to the United States accounting for approximately 15%. Therefore, the US tariff increase policy will have a certain impact on China's subsequent exports of aluminum products to the United States — the cost of exporting aluminum products to the United States may increase, leading to a potential reduction in export quantity. This may also widen the overseas aluminum supply gap. In the short term, this may lead to expectations of stronger London aluminum and weaker Shanghai aluminum, while in the long term, it may affect the global supply and demand pattern of aluminum-related products.